The First Talk

Usually we try to look our best when we are talking to our potential arrange marriage partner for the first time. But that day, I looked my worst.

We were in different countries and the only possible way to meet was online. I was hoping the call would be next morning when I would have washed my hair, put on a bright top & probably leave him hoping “Oh! I want this beauty!” but life had other plans.

So there I was at 11 pm in my faded blue shirt, with sleep In my eyes and oil in my hair when his video call came.

It was around 1:30 pm in Canada and he was on his way to his cousin’s place but he parked his car on the side and “the moment” began.

Ten minutes later when the conversation ended, the tiredness was gone and I was feeling a rush of energy inside.

Lost in the memories of his tousled hair and playful smile, surprisingly it struck me in Bold Black Letters: “HE IS THE ONE”.

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